It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks here. The boys and I had a fantastic long weekend in Seattle (pictures coming, really!) but then it was back to the books (and reality) for us. Kindergarten is going smoothly for Robbie; let’s just say Mom is making a lot of blunders. Bus passes! Lunch passes! School IDs! Standing at bus stop in afternoon when child is not on bus! Forgetting bus schedule and child walks home all by himself! Nightly homework! So much stuff to track. But we’ve settled into a routine (first order of business: 6:45 AM bus pick-up up the street) and I think – knock on wood – we’re going to be OK.
Community colleges also started in August, and I was right there alongside the fresh-faced, young whippersnappers. I’m taking three ICS courses this term, two on the main campus, and one remote via computer/cable TV. I’m also tutoring a Saturday morning class at a satellite center. In the middle of it all, we have successfully enrolled Cub in daycare, which meant more appointments, more forms, a TB test…Moms and Dads out there, you know the drill. And I had a job interview. I’m beat.
Here’s a picture I snapped a few months ago while picking up my summer school textbook at the main campus. The campus sits on the edge of Pearl Harbor known as “West Loch.” It’s one of three Naval battleship graveyards in the country. No kidding! They had a news story on TV about it not so long ago, but I don’t recall being able to stay awake for it. The teaser said some folks think the graveyard is haunted. Maybe because of the
West Loch Disaster? My untrained eye says the dozen or so rusting, listing old ships are just an environmental mess.