Robbie’s Cub Scout group held a small Christmas party for the boys and we were asked to bring cookies for a cookie swap. That sounded like fun to me, so when I saw this chocolate cookie recipe in a magazine I thought they looked festive and swap-worthy. I baked a batch yesterday morning but was disappointed. I vowed to do a few of things differently next time – one thing being dusting the cookies after they were baked and cooled. These cookies were rolled in powdered sugar before baking and it yellowed the sugar coating. Fail.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
12 Days of Christmas: Cookie swap
Robbie’s Cub Scout group held a small Christmas party for the boys and we were asked to bring cookies for a cookie swap. That sounded like fun to me, so when I saw this chocolate cookie recipe in a magazine I thought they looked festive and swap-worthy. I baked a batch yesterday morning but was disappointed. I vowed to do a few of things differently next time – one thing being dusting the cookies after they were baked and cooled. These cookies were rolled in powdered sugar before baking and it yellowed the sugar coating. Fail.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
12 Days of Christmas: Snow globe ornaments

In the 90s I started collecting holiday snow globes – the big, mantel showcase size. Sometime shortly after our move to Maryland I realized that although I still loved them, having a collection of fragile, bulky, and heavy items just wasn’t practical. I switched then to snow globe ornaments. Family had gifted me some over the years knowing I was collecting all snow globe sizes. I quickly realized how much easier they were to unpack, display, and pack up again. So a new collection was born.
Back to Macy’s last month – I went purposely to see if they had any snow globe ornaments. Hallmark has had a few nice ones over the years as part of their Keepsake collections, but this year I struck out with them. At Macy’s I found three! And better yet, they were already 40% off. (In November? I don’t get retail sometimes.) I noticed one had an on/off switch on the bottom, which I assumed was a switch for a music player. Just last week I pulled them out and went to take a picture. I turned the switch and to my surprise and absolute delight it lit up. And not in a simple, classy way, but a tacky, crap-tacular fiber optic rotating light display way. Merry Christmas to me!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
12 Days of Christmas: Advent calendar

Thursday, November 24, 2011
New find

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Happy Halloween

Someone had a birthday...

It was a bit rough the first 12 hours home, but it is now nearly 48 hours home and he's doing fine. I want to give him a new nickname but I don't know what to call him...RoboDog? What do you call a mid-size Beagle with two surgically repaired knees?
This one makes me a little sad

Friday, October 14, 2011
Another side of paradise

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Parking lot with a view

Happy to report busy here...and happily employed. :)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Come sail away

Robbie is officially a Tiger Cub (Boy Scout) and we attended the annual Raingutter Regatta for his pack earlier this week. The boys made their own boats out of supplied kits and raced them. One creative mom also made matching cupcakes for post-race snacks. I was impressed! Also concerned. She sets the bar pretty high for the rest of us with a designated snack day is still to come.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Here is the scoop from Monday's Star Advertiser:
Federal lifeguards reopened Nimitz Beach this morning after a shark attack damaged a surfer's board on Sunday. The incident happened about noon Sunday as a surfer was paddling on a 10-foot board about 50 yards from shore, according to Ocean Safety personnel.
The shark, of an unreported size and type, bit the rear of the board, missing the man's foot, an Ocean Safety employee said. The man on the surfboard paddled back to shore unhurt. A second unconfirmed sighting was reported about 2:40 p.m. Sunday.
State and federal officials put up warning signs and closed the beach Sunday.
Here's a link to a picture of the board plus the story of what happened in the surfer's own words (local news video).
Monday, September 5, 2011
Weekend water wrap-up

We arrived around 4:20 to the sight of a lot of people leaving. It was late in the day and it wasn’t particularly too hot nor too sunny, so seeing families and surfers packing it up in the parking lot and heading home didn’t seem unusual. We pulled in next to one such family pulling out. As we opened the doors and started to unbuckle the kids, they told us the beach was closed due to a shark warning. Whhaaat? Tell us more! Well, they tried and were very kind as we peppered them with questions they didn’t quite know the answers to either. What we gathered was at some point earlier in the day a shark had taken a bite out of a surfer’s board. No known injuries to the surfer, but they hadn’t seen the board either. Not sure why it took lifeguards so long to close the beach, but they finally made the call and asked everyone to get out of the water sometime around 4:00 PM. When we listened, we could hear the sirens wailing, sending the “get out” sign. So we got back in the car and drove off to KoOlina instead. When we got there…jelly fish warning! A first on Leeward beaches for us. Sure, they are regular occurrences in Waikiki, but KoOlina? Well, Lagoon 4 was packed so clearly no one was too worried. Noel and the boys got in and had fun in the water and no one saw a thing.
After KoOlina we hosed everyone off and headed to dinner. While waiting for our meals, we checked out various local news outlets for the shark story and stumbled on all the other bad news from around the island. It was interesting about the shark event - every web story used either “alleged” or “apparent” to describe the shark attack. Seems it was a paddle boarder who was attacked, and it was reported that the shark became entangled in the board’s leash and swam off with the board attached. So the paddle boarder had no physical proof of the attack and is left with a story of an “apparent” attack. Escaped injury, yes, but no trophy for the man cave either. Because you know if you are a boarder and a shark takes a big bite out of your board that is going up on display in the garage!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Market bounty

Friday, August 26, 2011
Signs, signs, everywhere signs

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Back to school night

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Hawaiian quilt class

On Friday morning I woke up and decided it would be the day to finally attend a Hawaiian quilt class I had read about but hadn't had the free time to attend during the summer. (Local quilt artist Nalani Goard now teaches traditional Hawaiian quilting every Friday at the Marriot Beach Club at KoOlina!) So for a little less than four hours, I stitched and talked story with other quilt enthusiasts overlooking the lagoon at the hotel. I picked the "Papaya" pattern in a bold orange-red. Hawaiian custom says that the first quilt you make you should keep for yourself. I'm torn...if it's for me, what will give me the push to finish it?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Winner, winner eggplant dinner

A fancier dish was probably in order for the eggplant, but I went with the not-so-exotic eggplant parmesan. When we eat at our local favorite Italian eatery I typically get one of their baked eggplant offerings, so I thought I’d take a chance and try to recreate it at home. Didn’t fail, but not quite a raging success either. Maybe I should re-think the “I can make this!” approach and just leave this dish a treat to enjoy when dining out.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tuesday inspiration

One thing though that I probably would never be able to follow would be "If you don't like your job, quit." This would only be after something else was in the pipeline for me (and that's a big maybe) and a six month emergency fund tucked away to pay the bills. I'm just that way. But honestly, I would probably take any job right now!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Fix-it time

I went with simple curtains – cheap and fun. I purchased 2+ yards of inexpensive fish fabric for $5.82 a yard, even cheaper lining fabric, and a $19 tension rod. I dusted off my sewing machine Friday, and by Saturday afternoon the new curtains were up. Mission complete! Next up for that room, re-painting the room and covering up the hand painted bugs that remain from the nursery theme (painted to match a quilt I made when I was pregnant with Robbie). I don’t know if I should channel my inner HGTV Design Star and do some fun painting, or just go for a simple, fresh new color. Or both. Decisions, decisions.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Not-so-welcome house guests

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Back to school

My mornings are alone, but I’m keeping busy. A baby gecko joined me this morning, hanging out near the ceiling above the refrigerator. As if he sensed I needed a little extra company! He is a welcome addition to our kitchen. When one of his cousins showed up last spring, the bugs in our kitchen disappeared for a few months. The kitchen bugs are back now, so I said to the gecko, “Welcome! Live long and prosper here, my little friend.”
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Half Dome, May 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Yosemite, May 2011 - take 2

Monday, July 25, 2011
Yosemite, May 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011
Beach time at Paradise Cove

Got a call while in Costco yesterday afternoon that two Hawaiian Monk seals were spotted in KoOlina and a volunteer was needed to help keep an eye on the animals at Paradise Cove until sundown. Sure! A perfect two-for-one...helping out and getting the boys to the beach. We dropped off our refrigerated goods at the house, grabbed our beach gear, and headed back down the hill. The two seals were around for about an hour before they headed out of the cove, but I stayed a little longer while the boys played around. They're in the cell phone picture above. If you look close, it looks like Cub is trying to pull Robbie off his boogie board. A very nice family hanging out in the water gave us another one after hearing the boys fight over the one we have. They were flying home today and had received it from another departing family at the beginning of their stay. Wish I could say I'm going to pay it forward, but we're keeping it!
Almost forgot to add a "first" for us: A mongoose ate our beach snacks. Well, one of the snacks. It was raining softly and the clouds were threatening a little more, so I semi-tucked our bags near the bushes lining the sand and covered them with a few towels so our stuff wouldn't get too wet. I made a fatal mistake of including our snack bag in the mix. As I went back to check my phone at one point, I heard some wrestling coming from under the towels, then saw a mongoose run off as I approached. He'd eaten through one Ziploc bag and was working on the contents inside. Luckily it was an easy mess to clean up and one easy lesson learned.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Yellow watermelon

The verdict? Kind of strange, to tell you the truth. I’d love to do the geeky thing and have a blind taste test with a normal pink variety. The yellow tastes sweet like a watermelon and the texture and seeds are definitely the same, but the color really does play games with the mind and taste buds. I thought I tasted a hint of cantaloupe, but I really think it was the color tricking me! I probably won’t buy it again unless I want to literally insert an unexpected pop of color into a summer recipe. Yellow watermelon margaritas anyone?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A morning at the Arizona Memorial

I love it when friends and family come to town. Of course it’s great to see them, but it also usually ends up the time I do a lot of touristy stuff. This happened this weekend when a high school friend came to town and Robbie and I joined her and her boyfriend at the Arizona Memorial. The first time I did the tour was back in late 2000 when I was on vacation. In the last couple of years, the Memorial’s Visitor Center was remodeled and under heavy construction. They did an amazing job providing new museum-quality exhibits, interior and exterior displays, and lots of shaded seating. There is still plenty of space to wander around and take in the history around you in what at times can feel like solitude yet you’re surrounded by folks all around.
I opted not to bring Jacob and was glad. Just too young…Robbie solo was just right. I “sold” the experience to Robbie as “a boat ride” to get up close to the Memorial we usually see from the Mall’s monorail. He had trouble (read: a whining meltdown) when he learned we had to see a short film before taking the boat ride. I still don’t know why. But he settled down for the movie and was really focused and quiet and I was really grateful. He’s not quiet getting the concept of time and history. Of the 1941 attacks, he referenced it as happening “yesterday.” Yet another thing I’m not too worried about right now. Once on the actual Memorial, he seemed more interested in the fish swimming around, but that was also fine with me. The picture attached is the Arizona’s mooring quay, seen from the Memorial, with the Ford Island Bridge in the background.
From the Memorial, we drove the mile to the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet. The one and only time I’d been there was back in ’06. Once every five years is fine with me! That’s all I’ll say about it. It was all OK in the end as I enjoyed the time with friends and we were able to buy a boogie board for cheap to replace the one we lost a few weeks ago. Win-win!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Arizona Memorial: The tree of life

Monday, July 4, 2011
Tropical beauty or community eyesore?

I was not surprised when I got a knock on the door late last week and was asked to trim the bougainvillea bush that was growing through our backyard fence and encroaching on the “common area” that consists of ground cover next to our neighbors’ shared driveway. (The picture is a little deceiving - the longest branches would have to grow another 12 or more feet before it would reach the other driveway and get in the way.) No doubt it was not troubling anyone but the grounds keepers, but I like to live by the “know when to pick your battles” approach so this morning I went out and trimmed it. Said a prayer for our little geckos as I was removing their habitat, filled the green barrel, and according to my iPhone app, burned about 200 calories.
Here’s the before shot, with my ever faithful and trusty Cal by my side as he is during all my domestic adventures. Whatever happens here in our little corner of the country won’t ever diminish my love for America, though…Happy Fourth of July all!
Friday, July 1, 2011
KoOlina sunset

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The text reads, “We’re sorry. We have determined that you are located inside one of the applicable Club’s home television territories and are therefore blacked out of watching the game you selected.” We are 5,000+ miles away from any MLB team. Our local cable broadcasts Angels and Dodgers games. Noel has been frustrated with this in the past and I think the blackout applies to ALL West coast teams from Seattle to San Diego. Why does MLB do this? Are they just mean?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Rainbow over Waikiki

Friday, June 17, 2011
An evening on the other side of Oahu

Dr. Alex is in Hawaii learning and working alongside scientists and biologists working with the Hawaiian Monk Seal populations, one area in particular is DNA and genetic research (I think. I wasn’t taking notes, and my memory is always shaky when I don’t have a pen in hand). He shared history of the seal, some fascinating stories and videos of present-day seals, and other interesting notes about their organization in Greece.
So what does that have to do with the chocolate, froufrou marshmallows pictured? I’d been busy most of the afternoon and skipped dinner. Heading home through Hawaii Kai, I decided to stop over at Whole Foods and treat myself to a few light items from the buffet bar. I also picked up the marshmallows because I’ve wanted to try them out after multiple segments about artisan marshmallows on the Food Channel, etc. My verdict? Not exciting. Fun for a while, but even with my sweet tooth, I would probably pass on them next time. I had two and felt kind of sick to my stomach almost immediately, to tell you the truth. They are heavily dusted with cocoa powder while the inside is a much lighter brown. I’ll have to figure out a way to use up the rest as I don’t think the boys will go for them.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Green barrel days

I've mentioned many times I did not inherit my Mom's green thumb. I strongly believe you can overcome this type of genetic deficiency with a little hard work, but so far, I clearly have not worked hard enough.
Friday, June 3, 2011
The escape artist

Luckily for Cal (and my conscience), he's pretty good about scratching and licking his stitches. When I'm in the room with him, I try to leave the cone off so he gets a break. But when unattended, the cone must go on. We didn't crate him this week per post-procedure instructions. Instead we contained him in the kitchen with a baby gate with a little room to move. My heart sinks when I think we may be doing the wrong thing.
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer is in full swing; warm afternoons and longer days have arrived. We spend a few hours a day in the front yard on our rusting fleet of bikes and big wheels that Robbie has nearly outgrown. We got Robbie a larger bike without training wheels last summer but we don't have enough safe space in the front to ride it. For now, they seem to be happy working with what we have.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Return of the cone

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Enough already

I’m considering a new theme for next week – maybe some foodie posts?
Friday, May 20, 2011
Pig at the market

Thursday, May 19, 2011
More from the fish market

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
More tulips

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Holly girl

What a difference from our two beagle mixes who roam at will and we have to keep near-constant tabs on. Twice in the last six weeks one of Robbie's school mates has knocked on our door with our dogs in tow, saying they were on the loose around the neighborhood.
Comparing Holly to our dogs makes me think of the time when we took our dogs to training and dog obedience courses in Maryland. The instructor had a mature, well-behaved, and unleashed Golden by his side to demonstrate training techniques. I cried foul. Come on, a Golden is known to be the perfect, obedient breed. How hard was that to train?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Leaving on a jet plane

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day

Robbie comes home with a lot of not-quite-finished items. Note the white border on the top. He's a very thorough guy and he takes a long time to finish things, especially where solid coloring and painting is involved. I think his classmates finish their items faster and his teacher tells them all frequently to wrap up what they're doing before Robbie has completed his piece.
Friday, April 29, 2011
How do they do that?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Where's the fruit?