Thursday, September 17, 2009

My runner-up in the canned art display

Here's my second-favorite display: Shave ice! And my favorite flavor, too. Red! Yes, sadly a color and not an actual flavor. Cherry and strawberry are pretty much interchangeable in all that sugary, thick syrup, and they taste the same to me. To achieve the deep red color for the display, they wrapped each can in red cellophane. Coincidentally, we went to Matsumoto's on the North Shore yesterday with friends in town. I think it will be my last for a while. Either that or I try Aoki's next door. I ordered cherry and lime, and the lime was a yellow-green color, very unappetizing to the eye. And it didn't taste that great either. My friend sat down right outside when open seats became available before I had time to warn her about the smell. Each time I've been there it stinks of a sewage backup. Yes, right out front. Gross. My kids were a little restless so I didn't make a fuss and move but thinking back that wasn't one of my best decisions.

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