Friday, June 3, 2011

The escape artist

I woke up Monday morning to find an empty cone at my bedside and a cone-free and very content dog under the bed. I felt sorry for Cal Sunday night and left the cone loose. Too loose! He wiggled out of it and low-crawled under the bed during the night. That can't be good for his surgically repaired knee! The cone has been tighter at night the rest of this week.
Luckily for Cal (and my conscience), he's pretty good about scratching and licking his stitches. When I'm in the room with him, I try to leave the cone off so he gets a break. But when unattended, the cone must go on. We didn't crate him this week per post-procedure instructions. Instead we contained him in the kitchen with a baby gate with a little room to move. My heart sinks when I think we may be doing the wrong thing.

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