Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well, thanks to the fine journalists here on Oahu, we now have the near-complete White Plains shark bite story. Vindication for the paddler...no longer an "alleged" event! Still a little troublesome is the time gap from when the attack happened and when they actually closed the beach, but I'll let that go. And I guess we will just have to laugh off the initial report that the shark took off with the board. (Are we a human telephone experiment over here or what?)
Here is the scoop from Monday's Star Advertiser:
Federal lifeguards reopened Nimitz Beach this morning after a shark attack damaged a surfer's board on Sunday. The incident happened about noon Sunday as a surfer was paddling on a 10-foot board about 50 yards from shore, according to Ocean Safety personnel.
The shark, of an unreported size and type, bit the rear of the board, missing the man's foot, an Ocean Safety employee said. The man on the surfboard paddled back to shore unhurt. A second unconfirmed sighting was reported about 2:40 p.m. Sunday.
State and federal officials put up warning signs and closed the beach Sunday.
Here's a link to a picture of the board plus the story of what happened in the surfer's own words (local news video).

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