I guess it's not as uncommon as I tend to think...as new homes encroach onto previously undeveloped lands, all kinds of creatures still remain to give those an idea of how things used to be. Our little subdivision of ~4+ years has cows. (And a rooster I've named Lincoln. But I'll save that story for another blog.) The homes in our area push out as far as can be developed. Matter of fact, there's an open space just across the street between two homes merely because it was deemed too unstable to build on. So next to us we have a gulch. Whoever owns the gulch and the land west of it still keeps cows there. When heavy rains hit (and we've had a lot of rain lately) the cows come down closer to us to graze and drink the water running downstream. This afternoon Robbie and I walked up the hill to get the mail and enjoyed looking at the cows along the way. Once home, Robbie ran into the backyard and I grabbed the camera to get a few shots. The shot below was taken directly across the street from our lot (on the "unstable" land), shooting to the right up the hill. The shot above is a tight zoom on the cows closer to where I was standing. I tried unsuccessfully to get the calf and the mom (brown and white, respectively) while their heads were held up. They were very cute!

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