Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Funnies

It's been a rough week here with Robbie getting sick early in the week and missing three days of school, then Cub catching his bug and having a rough couple of days, too. I saw this little bit in the latest Hawaii edition of the AAA (Auto Club) member magazine and literally laughed out loud. It's a bit cruel to laugh, but I needed it.

"We at AAA Hawai'i want to help mature motorists drive safely. To further that goal, we sponsored Hawai'i's first CarFit event in January. Said one 70-year-old participant, "I loved it. When I drove into the parking lot, they checked to make sure I was wearing my seatbelt. They showed me how to adjust my steering wheel and explained that I need to be able to see over it."

Folks, I couldn't make this up if I wanted to! Driving for 45-50 years (and that's a conservative estimate) without being able to see over the steering wheel!? My apologies to all the shorties, but I'm still cracking myself up over here.

If we can get the kids' noses to stop running for about five minutes this weekend, we're hoping to take some pictures to include with upcoming Mother's Day cards. That's about it for us. Hope your weekend is as ambitious as you want it to be!


Anonymous said...

Hey! My office is responsible for CarFit! AARP co-sponsors it with AAA and the American Society on Aging. As for the steering wheel...better late than never! :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, busted! But let me clarify, I think the program is great. I was actually just making fun of the quote. If I were the editor of the publication, I would have abused my editorial power and left it at, "They helped me adjust my steering wheel." Ok, happy now? You've forced me to expose my questionable integrity as a professional writer. ;