Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanksgiving leftovers

Before Thanksgiving, Robbie came home from school with this in his backpack. I thought it was a fresh take on preschool Turkey Day hand-traced construction paper crafts. Good practice for tracing, cutting, and writing skills. (Robbie is our oldest and first in school, so a lot looks “fresh” right now.) I tried to get him to put it on his head for a photograph, but no luck. It ends up on the floor and is soon picked up by Cub. I get distracted with other things and later notice a few severed “fingers” around the living room. I find the object behind a chair and inspect it for damage.
OK, a shaka! Kinda of cute. So far, so good. Then…Oh no! When did our darling Cub turn into an angry youth?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! :))) -- D