I have two beading classes under my belt and have been scheduled next month for another! The classes are small but a lot of fun. While making conversation during a class, I found out one of my students was a member of a local group I had never heard of - Mermaids Hawai'i. They perform synchronized swimming routines in pools around the island for various occasions. Last Saturday I went to a show.
In my usual style, I was running late with the boys and cut it really, really close. I was still parking as the show was starting. Luckily, I could see the early acts from the parking garage so I knew I wasn't too far (above). Noel's parents met me at the Waikiki hotel and looked after the boys while I snapped a few pictures from the deck. Pools will always make me nervous...glad I had the extra set of eyes. After the Mermaids were done, Noel's parents treated the three of us to a Valentine's dinner at the hotel and we ended the evening playing pinball in the hotel game room (Noel was in Tahoe boarding with the guys). Just a note of caution to the parents out there - the Sopranos pinball machine is kind of disturbing. This wasn't much of a surprise, I was just glad my near-4 year old didn't understand anything he heard!

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