Sometime last week this drawing came home in his backpack. It has some inaccuracies! They do not share the same bed, rather they each have their own mattress. And we don't have a cat. Not sure where that one came from! When Noel saw it, he said, "So that's why my allergies have been bad recently!" I'm also unclear as to what the yellow box with the vertical stripes is. Best guess is the window with horizontal blinds. Nice eye for detail, kiddo!
Next week public schools are off. Officially called "Fall Intercession." Fall break! I don't remember Fall break as a kid! They do get the traditional 5-day weekend at Thanksgiving and a lengthy Christmas break, so this is not to make up for that. And in addition, due to state budget cuts, the teachers voted last week to add 17 "Furlough Fridays" to the calendar instead of teacher layoffs and other cuts. We have a lot of 3- and 4- day weekends in our future.
I grew up until 18 sharing my bedroom with at least 1 sibling and loved it - although yes, we would talk for about an hour before going to bed. but I think it made us closer as we'd rehash the day :) So i think it's wonderful for them to share a room for now. PS I think Robbie is trying to tell you to bring Elton to the island - - he is an island kittie after all :)
oh and as for the Fall break - I quit my govt job 3 weeks ago just in time to come back to subbing and we are on a 2 week Fall break - what the heck!??? it's the 'modified traditional' year, they call it - - bad for subs - great for teachers and kids!
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