OK, so we've had numerous failed attempts to hang a bird feeder in our yard (couldn't keep them high enough out of reach of young hands) but I haven't given up bird watching. After a quick run to the grocery store on Tuesday, I spotted these small, yellow birds in the open area across the street. I've seen them a few times, but never where I could take a picture. Yesterday I gave it a try...parked in the driveway and ran in and grabbed the first camera I found in the kitchen. Ran out and started snapping. They scurried away from me, but I was able to get a few shots before they flew off completely. I checked a bird book we have in the house, and according to "
A Pocket Guide to Hawai'i's Birds," they are saffron finches. In the category of "Cardinals and Cousins," the guide says they are an immigrant from South America, frequently found on the Big Island, around
Kona and the airport.
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