Yesterday morning found me sitting in the car in the parking lot of the local CC, reviewing practice tests for the Compass placement exam. Completed the math portion in December, now onto the English. Which I didn't study near as much and hoped I could just wing it. I pulled out some paperwork and noticed that a new student orientation was scheduled that morning. I checked the clock...and it was starting at that moment. So I took that for a sign that I should go and found the lecture hall. They were passing out these badge holders while we waited to check in. Whoa! It's been a while since I've received such useful swag. :) A session that was originally billed as a three hour event was thankfully over in 40 minutes and off I went to take my test at the testing lab. Registered this morning after a small snafu and I start next week. (Who would have guessed that when you have a problem with online records, you don't go to the Admissions & Records office. Silly me! You go to the counselling center!) And in the modern education era, only fitting that one class is on a Saturday and another is broadcast twice a week on a local cable channel.
Congrats! Is that a thumb drive? Very clever and useful swag. Good PR move, too.
do a virus scan before using and if from china just toss it out! - d
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