Did some volunteer time with the Hawaiian monk seals earlier this week. Thankfully it was on a sunny day with no rain. Today the rain has come on in a big way. Even the dogs are not going outside. Towels remain standing by, placed by each door. My ability to identify a seal on the beach remains comical, even on good days with binoculars in hand, a long lens on the camera, and the seals' markers in clear sight. I had none of the above this Wednesday. I realized when I hit the beach that I'd forgotten my binoculars (crucial for narrowing in on their flipper tags containing an ID code). I should have just turned around and went back for them, but I didn't and paid the price. Missed cues about who was what and who was where... I couldn't even make out male from female. I'm thinking I'm going to need my own web redemption soon. But I had a great day nonetheless, spoke with a lot of interesting and nice folks, and enjoyed the coast. My favorite question from a visitor concerned with one seal in a deep sleep: "
Do they need to have water poured on them?" No, but I knew if something like that was needed, these kind people who were in enamored with the seals at first look were ready to pitch in.
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