Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

It's a very lazy day around here. No soccer practice or plans of much substance. I know I have a laundry list of things to do...starting with the laundry.
A few months back, inspired by blogs I found online, I started working on a number of small cross stitch projects. I found an adorable (and free) Peep-like bunny pattern on the DMC site. I made it for my sister's family and gave it to her on Kauai. And yes, I actually finished it! Framed and all. I forgot to take a picture when I was done so here's what I snapped nearly there.
The colors are looking a little more vibrant than the actual tones; they're a little more muted and pastel than they appear. I couldn't find all the recommended colors on the pattern, so I just stood at the craft store and picked what I liked.

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