Sunday, January 27, 2013

Take a walk!

NFL Pro Bowl week is winding down. Didn't go to the game and opted instead to watch a few minutes on TV. Looks like the game ended without a lot of rain, but they sure timed it right. A few showers passed in the afternoon followed by a few grey but dry hours at sunset. As I write this evening after dinner it has poured outside my window for most of the last hour. I've got to face the music and walk Cal one last time before we call it a night.
A much different scene from a little over 24 hours ago. I snapped this as I walked around KoOlina. A few weeks into the New Year but now working on those resolutions - trying to get an hour of walking in 3-4 times a week. With this backyard, it is easy once you step out the door.

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