From the Honolulu Advertiser: “The King is immortalized wearing his beaded and studded show jumpsuit and in a singing pose. The statue is a tribute to Elvis' 1973 concert from the site that was dubbed ‘Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii.’ The massive bronze statue will be on the Ward Avenue side of the complex near the box office.” The Honolulu Weekly pointed out that unlike the US Postal service stamp release in the 90s, no one got to vote on the “skinny” or “fat” Elvis, so it looks like they went for something in between. His head is kind of big, while his body - even in the "later years" jumpsuit - is rather fit.

Elvis does not have a lei, at least not one in bronze. Evidently flowers, or the sort of detail needed for a lei, are very hard to cast. So he’ll get the real thing every now and then, a la Duke Kahanamoku in Waikiki and King Kamehameha a few miles away on King St. A few cheap ones are thrown around him here.
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