Up until this year, Noel was not a registered voter. So there’s no other way to explain why he has been receiving contribution solicitations from the McCain campaign other to figure that his name and address were handed over from the military. Oh, and one other tip - John thanks him for his military service. I read the letters as I go through the mail and just laugh at the “scary” thoughts. “If you are at all concerned about the prospect of the Democrats gaining total control of the federal government, then your help is needed right now.” Concerned? Hardly.
But this weekend brought about a new low. Literally as McCain and Palin are making headlines at campaign rallies by attacking Obama’s so-called character issues and associations, a new solicitation arrives, boldly proclaiming, “We must make this campaign about the issues.” And this gem: “As we have already witnessed, the Obama Democrats and their special interest allies are willing to say and do anything to defeat me and all our Republican candidates.” Sorry John, but isn’t that what you’ve asked Sarah to do? Then he had the nerve to ask us, who he is assuming is a military family, for $5,000. “It’s the only way we can defeat the Democrats bid for the White House!” Also included in the mailing was a full letter-size FedEx overnight envelope with the air bill filled out.
But this weekend brought about a new low. Literally as McCain and Palin are making headlines at campaign rallies by attacking Obama’s so-called character issues and associations, a new solicitation arrives, boldly proclaiming, “We must make this campaign about the issues.” And this gem: “As we have already witnessed, the Obama Democrats and their special interest allies are willing to say and do anything to defeat me and all our Republican candidates.” Sorry John, but isn’t that what you’ve asked Sarah to do? Then he had the nerve to ask us, who he is assuming is a military family, for $5,000. “It’s the only way we can defeat the Democrats bid for the White House!” Also included in the mailing was a full letter-size FedEx overnight envelope with the air bill filled out.
I showed it to Noel and asked him what he would like to send to McCain instead of a $5,000 check. I would like to send a scathing letter how he lost my respect when he picked Palin as his VP. Noel suggested the Obama campaign sign that our housing association requested we remove from our front window (all campaign signs are against the bylaws – we got away with it for over three months). He also mentioned an unmentionable, and on second thought said, “Well, maybe not. I think that’s a federal offense.”
Scathing blog! Your tone was unlike sarcasm I had never heard uttered before!!! But it was hilarious:)
Actually, what you do is stick a heavy object/heavy stack of blank paper in the pre paid Fed Ex envelope and send it back. The campaign is then forced to spend $ for the shipping charges- valuable $ that the campaign would have spent on TV ads in Virginia and Pennsylvania. Everybody wins!
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