This goes out to anyone who might need a good laugh right about now. I’ve seen this ad run regularly in the Honolulu Advertiser for a while, maybe even a year, and I finally had to say something about it.
I love the claim of all the ailments he can fix (see surprisingly long list and the “We treat more than shown” comment?!), and the Oscar-winning emotion on the face of the patient on the left, not to mention the pose she strikes. This doctor is not helping the cause of chiropractors, who already have a pretty bad rap. Somewhere in his medical training he also snuck in beauty school, too, as the patient on the right has new, tight braids and her gray is gone! What really stretches the plausibility for me though is the implied notion that this guy can restore your former self. Or transform older patients into their grandchildren. Because there is no way he can make the senior citizen pictured on the left lose 50+ years and take up mountain biking!
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