About the same time each year, Noel asks me if I want to go to the NFL Pro Bowl. Last month when he brought it up, I thought about it and said not really. This year we'd have to buy a ticket for Robbie, decide whether or not to leave Cub with Grandma and Grandpa, and simply just get there on game day (traffic is a hassle). He quickly said, "Good! Because I didn't want to go anyway. I'd rather watch it at home." But that plan may backfire on us. As of Thursday, the game was not sold out, and the league is threatening to blackout the game on local TV sets. Another thing to blame the economy on! Waikiki hotels are operating at only 60% occupancy. It's a matter of a few thousand tickets still being available, so I'm guessing that's the main problem.
We did go back in 2006. We paid nearly $200 for lousy tickets (better view of Pearl Harbor than of the players) and some guy in Noel's office spilled beer on me. Despite all that, it was fun, but each year the fun factor is outweighed by the logistics factor. Blame that one on becoming parents.
The entertainment does sound amusing. David Archuleta, the American Idol finalist, will perform the National Anthem. Oooh, will there be a lip sync scandal? They are also advertising - and this is a direct quote from the paper - there will be "a special effect during Archuleta's performance that has never been done before at Aloha Stadium." And then there's Enrique Iglesias and Ciara (who?) performing at halftime with 600 dancers on the field. Too bad I'm not a tween. Reminds me of '06 when the Backstreet Boys performed at halftime. I won't say they were phoning it in, but I think they knew the packed stadium wasn't made up of their fanbase.
Knowing that the NFL players practice at Kapolei High during the week, I drove past the football field a few times looking for them. I found them once, yesterday morning. Sadly, the people in charge lock you completely out of the small stadium and parking lot, and you're left to fend for yourself on the side roads (rabid fans have some nerve displacing Krispy Kreme vendors!). I had Cub in the car and other errands to run, so I just drove on past. If we're ambitious, I may try to drag some or all of the family to a special pre-event practice at the stadium Saturday morning. Players on the field, mascots, food, games. And free.