I couldn't sleep on Friday night (a real rarity for me) and went down to the couch in the very early morning and started watching some Tivo'd programs. I think it was at least an hour later when I noticed this fellow on the ceiling near the door. This time of year a lot of these moths hang out near the front lights - outside of course - so I'm used to them. But I don't like them inside! My attempt to bat him out an open door with a broom failed and he ended up in the kitchen on the blinds. To give you an idea of his size, those blind slats are 3 - 4 inches wide. He later flew over to the ceiling above the TV, and remained there for the next 24 hours. He moved on to the upstairs guest bedroom on Sunday, where I was finally able to catch him and release him outside. Robbie took note of my technique to trap him (combination of Tupperware container and paper towels) so maybe he can help me next time. ;)
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