Tomorrow we’ll be heading out of the house early to catch Robbie’s school’s annual May Day pageant. It’s a big, well-coordinated affair on the large lawn outside the front entrance (they have been rehearsing for over a month!). Per tradition, they have the older elementary kids representing a Royal Hawaiian court (King, Queen, etc.), as well as “representatives” from the major Hawaiian islands. After the parade of dignitaries, each grade does a song or dance. Family and friends flock to the school to enjoy the show and it gets pretty crowded around that lawn. For the past two years, the preschoolers have performed the
Hukilau, but they’
ve switched it up this year and will be singing The Rainbow Song. Each year I plan to post the video or more pictures of the show, but at the last minute I decide not to because I’m not comfortable posting other kids’ pictures to the Web without parental knowledge or consent (even when they are so gosh-darned cute!). So I’ll make no promises this year, as I have in the past.
Robbie will be entering kindergarten next year. His current teachers are extremely generous and thoughtful and they will be a hard act to follow, but we are looking forward to the change and seeing our "medium size boy" grow (his words, he insists he's not a big boy yet). Here is the Mother’s Day letter and picture they had Robbie draw and sign for me, one of the many thoughtful things that they do throughout the year. I'm in his favorite red! I was joking before when I said that the “mistake” in the picture could be Cub. I know exactly who is pictured next to Noel and I, and I
couldn’t agree more. Kids are so smart.
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