I love lighthouses! Who doesn't? They're a mix of our nautical history, architecture, coastlines, and fun. And at one time immensely practical. All things that appeal to me. They are not so much needed anymore in most areas, but they will indeed live on due to dedicated people who preserve and take care of them. There are only a small number on Oahu and I think I've seen two (I wrote about one in one of my
earliest posts). The
Diamond Head Lighthouse has actually been on a US postal stamp, yet I still didn't know it's exact location. While hiking Diamond Head with my Mom a few weekends ago, there it was! Clear as day, wedged between the surf breaks and the crater. I knew that wherever it was, the lighthouse was actually on private property, and that didn't make much sense until I viewed it from the rim of the crater. Now it will make sense to you, too.
Classes are nearly over for me. The last two weeks or so I've been more or less in a hole. My programming class reared it's tough head and kicked me while I was down. I threw in the towel on the final assignment yesterday - already 5 days overdue - and submitted garbage in hopes of getting a few points for trying. (I should also acknowledge a great instructor who doesn't give up on her students and is very patient and understanding!) Now just a final test to go this week. I will no longer jokingly say, "
Wish me luck!" I really need it. ;)
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